Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Script for Galileo Trial

Here are the points I want to make in the Galileo Trial:

  1. Introduction: Nicolas Flamel = French alchemist; "discovered" the Philosopher's Stone; Catholic
  2. Philosopher's Stone grants immortality and transforming base metals like lead into gold
  3. Flamel's "achievements" as an alchemist came about two centuries after his death through books believed to have been attributed to Flamel. For the Galileo Trial, I am using the Flamel as described by his legend and not so much on the historical Flamel
  4. According to the legend, Flamel and his wife Perenelle achieved immortality and wealth from the Philosopher's Stone and there were claims of sightings of the couple centuries after their death
  5. Magic/alchemy represented an ancient science that eventually modern science began to discredit and completely replace. This is comparable to Catholicism and Protestantism and also geocentrism and heliocentrism in that a former, faulty belief is replaced by a new belief
  6. Since Flamel was both dedicated to alchemy/magic and was Catholic, he would have likely retain ancient views like geocentrism and sided against Galileo during the trial
  7. Furthermore, Flamel lived during the 14th and 15th century, prior to Martin Luther "Ninety-Five Theses" and so he was less likely to witnessed or even agree to the clergy's misuse of power and Scripture
  8. During the Galileo Trials, my most likely allies would would the Catholics and my enemies would be the Protestants and, to a larger degree, the post-1543 scientists
  9. Flamel would likely have a neutral standing with the aristocrats and the philosophers because they may have contributed little to his profession
  10. While most of the pre-1543 scientists may support Galileo given that he proves his case with scientific justifications, they would sympathize with Flamel's position because geocentrism was a central belief during their lifetimes and that, given the technology during their time, geocentrism seemed logical

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